Ápice XXII es una empresa que nace en Madrid en enero del 2005. Nuestra actividad comprende las distintas disciplinas de la ingeniería civil y la comunicación, surge como asociación de un ingeniero de caminos y un periodista consiguiendo fusionar dos mundos aparentemente muy distintos, pero con una gran interrelación, de hecho en determinados trabajos, resulta difícil marcar la línea divisoria entre ambas actividades. Nuestro equipo humano tiene más de 20 años de experiencia en sus respectivos sectores.
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Transport Engineering
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Water Engineering
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Construction and Urbanism
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Structural Engineering
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Sanitary and Environmental engineering
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Affected Services Restoration
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Communication Services
Our objective is to create repercussion and engagement.
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Events and Stands
We help you organize, plan and produce your important events.
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Identity and Corporate Image
We make your brand visible and unique.
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Marketing and Advertisement
We make campaigns that connect with the public, that create and fortify relationships between brands, people and companies.
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Printed Design
It is vital to have the best image possible, because without it every product or service loses visibility even if it is an excellent product.
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Digital Design
We design digital products focusing on the user´s needs.
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If our customers trust us,
why not going to do you?
